• +256 (0) 754 577003 / 077 2046446
  • info@fabio.or.ug
  • Gabula Road 205, Jinja, Uganda

Car Free Day


-Advocating for non-motorized transport-

Informal Car-Free-Days took place throughout the 1990s. However, the first official, global Car-Free-Day was launched in 2000. Since then, many big cities like Bogota and Jakarta close their central roads on this day and fill them with walking and cycling events to advocate for sustainable transport. Smaller Car-Free-Day events take place around the world – even here in Jinja.


In Jinja Uganda, the Car-Free-Day is not only used as an opportunity for physical activities, but also as a platform to raise public and stakeholders awareness about the role of non-motorized transport and promoting sustainable cities. Reducing congestion and emissions, creating an inclusive environment, finding alternatives – all that is being appealed for with our slogan “MY CITY MY RESPONSIBILITY!”. FABIO wants to use this day and slogan to create awareness and a sense of responsibility for the earth that we live on. Therefore, Car-Free-Day is also a day to engage with the people and to give them the chance to take part in different activities such as fun rides, bike races and dancing among many others. No matter from old to young, from local governments to the citizens of Jinja, disabled or not – we want to reach everyone and spread the message!

Together we wish to develop and maintain a city for now and for the future.